Donating Blood During The Pandemic


A blood shortage could slow down medical procedures or cause a person in need to endure medical complications or death. When you choose to donate blood, you are demonstrating a selfless act of generosity that could save the life of someone who was involved in an accident or who has a medical condition that requires a blood transfusion. Use some tips to guide you through the donation process. Don't Let The Current Situation Deter You

24 November 2020

Need New Furniture? Two Reasons to Head Over to a Secondhand Shop


Buying new furniture is a quick way to transform your home from drab to fab. Although some people may think that they have to go through an elaborate renovation project to get a different result, sometimes it only takes a few well-placed pieces to transform the look and feel of your residence. If you're thinking about purchasing furniture, you might be combing through the list of big box stores in your community to see which one you'll patronize.

28 May 2020